
Shop The Look   /   Carnivorous 
Dry Start Planted Aquarium Terrarium Tank UNS 5S ShallowDry Start Planted Aquarium Terrarium Tank UNS 5S ShallowDry Start Planted Aquarium Terrarium Tank UNS 5S ShallowDry Start Planted Aquarium Terrarium Tank UNS 5S Shallow


Planted aquariums and growing aquatic plants shouldn't be difficult or even require too much maintenance. This is our take on a simple yet bold desktop aquarium by converting an Ultum Nature Systems 5S Shallow nano rimless tank into a paludarium. While utilizing the concept of the Dry Start Method, we planted and grew carnivorous plants such as Utricularia Gramminifolia and Drosera Rotundifolia. Dorsera species is not aquatic and thus will grow in bog-like environments similar to the one we have established in this aquarium. With a bog setup, we are able to observe how these carnivorous plants interact and feed by attracting and capturing house pest such as small insects and gnats as it's prey is the plant's primary form of nutrient rather than root feeding from a nutrient-rich planted aquarium substrate. The only care requirements for this setup is to add water and treat it as it it were a potted house plant.


TANK CAPACITY: 2 Gallon Shallow
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