Rainbow Meadows

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ADA 60P Nature Aquarium Planted Tank ADA 60P Nature Aquarium Planted TankADA 60P Nature Aquarium Planted TankADA 60P Nature Aquarium Planted TankADA 60P Nature Aquarium Planted Tank


This aquarium tank has been a long time project in the making. This aquarium tank had been sitting in our living room empty for close to two years. Finally setting it up made a huge difference in our space. This time around we wanted to scape outside of our usual preference and create an aquarium driftwood scape with plenty of color. We settled upon using some Spider Wood for a twisted look, full of character, held up by some spare rocks surrounding the base. We chose very neutral rocks as our intention was to have the Spider Wood and aquatic plant choices be the main centers of attention. From there, instead of recreating mountainous hills, we decided that a colorful forest was called for. Choices are vast but we compiled a list of aquatic plants we don't use too often and ran with it. This time around, we also took the opportunity to plant stem by stem for the best grow out conditions. As usual, we kept in mind the shape of the leaves, the patterns of growth - did we want bushy? Wispy? Flowy? We had to make sure all plant choices would compliment each other while at the same time coincide without the takeover of one or another.

We ended up with a good amount of Spider Wood that varied in size. Numerous species of aquatic plants were chosen for this aquascape. Scroll below to find out what we used!


TANK CAPACITY: 17 Gallon Standard
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