AfricaAnubiasAquatic PlantsBackground PlantsEasy Aquatic PlantEchinodorusmother potRhizome PlantsSouth AmericaYGroup_anubias_barteriYGroup_anubias_congensisYGroup_anubias_heteroYGroup_anubias_minimaYGroup_anubias_nanaYGroup_anubias_shortsharpYGroup_echi_bleheri
Aquarium Plant Mother Plants
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This collection of aquatic plant mother pots includes beginner-friendly species that are great for aquarium hobbyists who are new to growing live plants in aquariums. These aquatic plants do not require CO2 injection or strict maintenance and are adaptable to a wide range of tank parameters. Fish waste or minimal liquid fertilizer will provide enough nutrients for these aquarium plants to thrive in a low light planted aquarium.
Mother plants are significantly larger and more resilient than their younger, standard-sized counterparts. These plants are housed in 3.17" pots, whereas regular pots measure just 1.77".
Mother plants are significantly larger and more resilient than their younger, standard-sized counterparts. These plants are housed in 3.17" pots, whereas regular pots measure just 1.77".