Advanced Aquatic PlantAfricaAnubiasAquatic FarmerAquatic PlantsAsiaBackground PlantsBetta PicksBucephalandraCryptocoryneEasy Aquatic PlantFern PlantsFish Tank DecorFloating PlantForeground PlantsGrass-LikeHairgrassIntermediate Aquatic PlantIotapicksIwagumiJava FernLive Aquatic PlantsLudwigiaMidground PlantsMossmother potNorth AmericaoverstockPink PlantsPlanted HardscapePurple PlantsRare PlantsRed PlantsRhizome PlantsRotalaSouth AmericaSoutheast AsiaStem PlantsTissue CultureWabi Kusa PlantsYGroup_anubias_barteriYGroup_anubias_congensisYGroup_anubias_nanaYGroup_anubias_petiteYGroup_ar_miniYGroup_bacopa_carolinianaYGroup_bolbitis_miniYGroup_crypt_parvaYGroup_egeriaYGroup_hairgrassYGroup_hydrocotyleYGroup_java_fernYGroup_java_fern_narrowYGroup_java_mossYGroup_ludwigia_arcuataYGroup_ludwigia_superredYGroup_mini_xmasYGroup_montecarloYGroup_rotala_hraYGroup_s_repensYGroup_ugYGroup_xmas_moss
Aquarium Plant Top Sellers
Item 1 to 18 of 62 items
Live aquarium plants provide a natural source of filtration and support a healthy freshwater aquarium.
Here you'll find our collection of top selling aquarium plants! These live aquatic plants are loved by aquarium hobbyists of all skill levels. Whether you're just starting out or a seasoned expert, there's a plant for every aquascape and more.
Here you'll find our collection of top selling aquarium plants! These live aquatic plants are loved by aquarium hobbyists of all skill levels. Whether you're just starting out or a seasoned expert, there's a plant for every aquascape and more.