Changing Seasons

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Ultum Nature Systems Planted Nano Betta Tank Ultum Nature Systems Planted Nano Betta TankUltum Nature Systems Planted Nano Betta TankUltum Nature Systems Planted Nano Betta TankUltum Nature Systems Planted Nano Betta Tank


The creation of Changing Seasons was aimed at enhancing a living room space with a unique aquascape. Moving away from classic rockscape setups, we opted to experiment with Manzanita wood as the hardscape material, a choice we don’t commonly use. Instead of traditional green slopes, we aimed to replicate the changing seasons by incorporating a range of green, orange, pink, and red aquatic plants.

To achieve this, we categorized plant selections into foreground, midground, and background sections. We considered leaf shapes, growth patterns (bushy, wispy, or flowy), and how each plant would complement others while maintaining balance in the tank. Our goal was to ensure all plant choices coexisted harmoniously without one overpowering the others.

We landed on 4 individual pieces of Manzanita Wood twigs that we pre-boiled and soaked to prevent floating and leeching of tannins. Numerous species of aquatic plants were chosen for this aquascape. Only tissue culture plants were used for this to ensure absolute health from initial start up.


TANK CAPACITY: 5 Gallon Nano
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