Flora Green
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This aquarium tank came from a satisfied itch! With having the same larger sized planted aquariums for quite some time (Rainbow Meadows and Lion Heart), we wanted to switch things up and utilize a classic nature aquarium hardscape choice that we rarely consider. Large pieces of Malaysian Driftwood were chosen and arranged into a triangular aquascape layout. Mounted atop a large slope of Aquaria Neo Soil, the larger pieces allow this scape to stick out of the tank for an exaggerated, aggressive aquascape. It is common knowledge that aquarium driftwood is highly buoyant - Malaysian Driftwood is a contender for 1st place in driftwood buoyancy. To combat this, the largest piece was attached to a large rock to weigh the entire hardscape layout down and provide some added stability to the soil slope. Being partial to low-tech aquatic plants in a high-tech planted aquarium tank setting, aquatic plants such as Bolbitis Heudelotii, Tiger Lotus, various Anubias species and Bucephalandra were chosen. Our scapes as of late have generally utilized Micranthemum Monte Carlo or Hemianthus Callitrichoides as the foreground aquatic plant choice. This time around Lilaeopsis Novaezelandiae or Micro Sword was chosen and mixed with Marsilea species and Cryptocoryne to produce a wild and natural appearance. The overall theme for this aquarium tank was to switch things up because change is always a good thing.CARE
TANK CAPACITY: 20 GallonMaintenance: