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Background Aquatic Plants
Item 91 to 86 of 86 items
This selection of background aquarium plants are designed to fill the back of your tank and create a lush, natural backdrop. These plants are perfect for adding height, color, and structure to your aquascape!
Choose from species like Amazon Sword, Vallisneria, Rotala, Ludwigia and Java Fern, ideal for various aquarium setups, including low-light and high-tech environments. These plants improve water quality and provide shelter for aquatic life. Browse the collection to find low-maintenance plants that work for both beginners and experienced aquascapers.
Choose from species like Amazon Sword, Vallisneria, Rotala, Ludwigia and Java Fern, ideal for various aquarium setups, including low-light and high-tech environments. These plants improve water quality and provide shelter for aquatic life. Browse the collection to find low-maintenance plants that work for both beginners and experienced aquascapers.