BundlechihirosFree ShipIwagumilight kitsONFoverstocksaltwater aquariumsmart aquariumYGroup_chihiros_rgbminiYGroup_chihiros_wrgbiiproYGroup_chihiros_wrgbiislimYGroup_onf_flatYGroup_onf_nano
Smart Aquarium Devices
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This selection of smart aquarium devices for freshwater planted and saltwater tanks include LED lighting, pH meters, dosers and much more. Creating and maintaining your fresh or saltwater aquarium just got easier! Smart devices are now readily available to aquarists who are looking to level up the planted aquarium or reef tank. Popular aquarium brands such as ONF and Reef Factory have developed innovative devices that are app controlled allowing technology to integrate seamlessly into aquarium care. Choose from a variety of LED lighting, auto dosers and other devices that monitor various aspects that are integral to a healthy and successful aquarium.
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