Microsorum Pteropus Sunrise

Aquatic Plants
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Microsorum Pteropus Sunrise is a lovely Java Fern species that offers interesting texture and bold color to a planted aquarium. Like most Java Fern plants, care requirements are seldom and the aquatic plant is fairly forgiving in a wide range of aquarium environments making all Java Fern species loved by beginner and seasoned aquarists alike.

What we like about this plant:

  • Beautiful serrated leaves.
  • Java Fern makes a great space filler in planted tanks.
  • Extremely easy-going and great for low maintenance aquarium tanks.

Java Fern Sunrise's care is comparable to that of aquatic plants such as Anubias, Bucephalandra, Cryptocoryne, and Aquatic Moss. Microsorum Pteropus will thrive in low to medium light settings with good flow and a clean water column. Aside from this, optimal conditions include CO2 injection and a light fertilizing routine using a quality aquarium plant fertilizer. Java Fern can be attached directly onto aquarium driftwood or in the crevices of aquascaping stones or hardscape layouts. We recommend using it to fill spaces between aquarium driftwood layouts to really fill in the aquarium and add a sense of maturity to the planted aquarium. Java Fern is an epiphytic aquarium plant and care should be taken to ensure that rhizomes are kept above any substrate or the plant can begin to rot. Propagation is easy and straightforward; simply cut or pull apart rhizomes to be replanted/reattached. 

Common Name
Java Fern Sunrise
Care  Easy 
Lighting Low 
CO2 Recommended
Suggested Placement Midground to Background 
Propagation Separate rhizome and attach
Growth Rate Slow to Moderate
Height 5-12+"

Our potted aquarium plants are kept under strict fertilizer dosing regimes and are provided with CO2 injection in their holding tanks.

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