Grey Mountain Plateau

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Ultum Nature Systems Planted Cube Betta TankUltum Nature Systems Planted Cube Betta TankUltum Nature Systems Planted Cube Betta TankUltum Nature Systems Planted Cube Betta Tank


A perfect example of how an original idea in your head can evolve and change into something completely different in an instant. This was another local install - We had loaded up everything and got on the road.We almost reached our destination, when we realized that we had forgotten something VERY important - the original rocks. How does one scape a tank without hardscape? Well, you don’t, but this forced us to improvise on the spot since our original idea completely fell apart. However, it was okay and the end result turned out better than we could have ever imagined. We like to tell that story because sometimes planted aquariums are planned and when it doesn’t go accordingly, some get discouraged - but don’t! Just keep going. Usually, the hardscape material such as aquarium-safe rock or wood is chosen first, then plants are chosen to compliment the hardscape. If you’re ever stuck, try going backwards. Pick some plants you really like and plan your hardscape around it - You might just end up with something amazing. This tank is super simple and features Seiryu Stone and several low light, low maintenance species of aquarium plants.


TANK CAPACITY: 2 Gallon Cube
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