Grab the confetti, light some sparklers and eat cake! Glass Aqua just turned ONE! We want to give a big thank you to everyone for sticking with us - To you, who has been here since the start of our journey and to you, who is now joining the ride. To celebrate, we're having our biggest sales event yet. Select items will be 25% OFF and we'll be giving away 5LB of Seiryu stone plus substrate for free with nano tank purchases. Thank YOU again for your support and love. Here's to many more! 😊

Select healthy aquarium plants, hardscape, and other goodies will be 25% OFF while supplies last. Take us up on this offer to fill that empty tank! More items will go on sale daily so check back frequently to stay updated with the best deals! Check out our flash sale now!

Always wanted a nano planted tank set up for an office desk? Nightstand? Countertop? Well, here's your chance to get the best rimless nano aquarium deal! We're giving away a free 1-liter bag of aquarium substrate that's great for aquatic plants, tropical fish and freshwater shrimp along with 5 pounds of Seiryu Stone with every Ultum Nature Systems 3N or 5N purchase. All three items MUST be added to cart in order to receive the substrate and stones for free. We cannot make changes or ship free items separately once orders are placed!
Sales end Sunday, September 30th, 2018 at 11:59 PM PST or while supplies last. Please note that multiple coupon codes cannot be combined or stacked.
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